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Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions
General terms and conditions for all sessions with Jan-Zo Pilates
You should always consult with your doctor, physiotherapist or medical professional before starting any exercise programme.
Unless otherwise stated group classes are not suitable for injury rehabilitation.
Classes are safe, and recommended for anyone with postural aches and pains including back ache.
I am not a qualified physiotherapist although many of the exercises I teach are used by physios. I work and train with physios in a rehabilitation capacity.
Rehabilitation sessions will be conducted in accordance with medical professionals health guidelines and in line with said guidance, these sessions will be conducted on a one to one /personal training only basis.
I encourage you to listen to your body and work within your physical parameters.
All joining online classes must adhere to these T&C's and follow the online joining rules; this is a safety requirement. ( please see online class terms & conditions version 0.a.1//07.07.20.)

Physical History
It is important to inform your teacher of any conditions and medical history prior to beginning a class. Please answer the below questions carefully and honestly so I am fully aware if any of these conditions have affected your health recently or in the past.
1. Has your Doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and that you should only do physical activity recommended by a Doctor?
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